Monday, April 04, 2005

class business

Damn! I just lost a post.

Camille Paglia! What would we do without her! She's like a papal
bull all by herself. Perhaps she is full of papal bull!

We are on the downslope (if not slippery...) of the semester, so you should be thinking
about your final project, namely a chapbook of your work (or the
equivalent, webpage, mailbox, whatevaz). This chap should include
most, if not all, of the poems you've written--and rewritten--for this
class. You may also include documents, emails, photos, whatever
else contributes to the whole. Please write a 1-2 page introduction to
your work, as well.

A chapbook generally includes the following:

--cover, with title
--title page, with copyright, title of the book, name of the author, press name.
--table of contents
--author bio?

I'll be happy to show you some models from which to work.

aloha, Susan


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