Sunday, January 23, 2005

More from Deborah Meadows

Susan and class of poets,

I see the reccommendation to check into MacLow--much online right now.

I'm mainly aware of MacLow's methods through reading here and there published
selections in literary journals which he typically followed by an explanation
of his numeric method in taking words from, say, a canonical modernist, and
randomizing them to make a new "work" or "arrangement." I'm not doing that
but I do use Melville work as the "seed text." Plus I'm asking parallel
questions about the authorial "I" but exploring that in another vein. There
might be some work on how this relates to some chance operations of John Cage
and others exploring this area. At some point their work can seem the pure,
zero-degree edge from which I've pulled back and engaged varying
interventions, theoretical, sonic, etc.

Deborah Meadows


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