Wednesday, January 26, 2005


This last Meadows message came with a poetic example that went all to hell when I tried to incorporate it in the blog. I've asked her to send a link to the site where you can find the example.

You'll note that I ask for a "statement of poetics" in the middle of the semester. This means a 5 page (or so) description of what it is you want your poetry to do, accomplish, provoke, instigate, and how it is it will do it (as Stein might put it).

There are a lot of examples of poetics statements at the Electronic Poetry Center website. Look, for example, at the sites for Alice Notley (whose "disobediance" essay qualifies) and for Charles Bernstein (who, my god, is putting entire books on his site). THE EPC is at

then look under "authors" by letter. Enjoy. There are also sound files in places.



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